Subluxation (Nerve Stress or Damage) ->Causes Body and Mind miscommunication and dis-ease. Chiropractic premise
When you have subluxation
We dedicated to working with you to improve your health. Our functional health clinic offers quality chiropractic, rehabilitative care, and many natural therapies to assist you in reaching your health goals. You can expect sound advice on a chiropractic specialty for creating health & wellness in your life. From our warm reception room, to delivering individualized care, we are committed to excellence during your experience at our clinic. Our caring team of doctors & physicians enhance our mission and our commitment to offer you our best helping hands. Headaches are a common source of pain for a large number of Americans.
While a wide variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications have been developed to relieve this pain, they generally do little to address the underlying cause of the problem. In addition, many of these compounds can have unwanted side effects, particularly if they’re used often, over a prolonged period of time or in combination with other medicines. A growing awareness of both the limitations and risks of pharmaceuticals has led many headache sufferers to explore alternative approaches to managing them, including chiropractic. Understanding Headaches Headaches occur for many reasons and can vary greatly in their intensity and duration. They may arise on their own (these are termed “primary headaches” and account for about 90% of all headaches) or be triggered as a result of some other health condition (described as “secondary headaches”). Chiropractic physicians most commonly encounter three types of headaches in their work:
How Chiropractic Can Help There is a large and growing body of medical research that suggests chiropractic care can be effective in preventing or reducing the frequency and severity of primary headaches. There is also some evidence that it may have benefits for cervicogenic headache sufferers. Chiropractic manipulation of the spine and neck is used to improve the alignment of the spine and relieve muscle tension. It also reduces nerve irritation and improves vascular flow. Our chiropractic physicians may also recommend massage and/or other therapies as part of a well-rounded treatment plan to maximize your healing. In addition, we'll create a unique program that addresses your concerns, and helps you achieve your goals. Recommendations may include exercise, stretching and relaxation techniques as well as nutritional strategies designed to help prevent future headaches. If you or someone you know is looking for lasting relief from chronic headaches, we encourage you to call us today. The sooner you call, the sooner we can help you put an end to the suffering and get on with living. References
Long Term Chiropractic Patients Have Higher Blood Levels of DNA Repair Chemicals
The February 18, 2005 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research finds that patients under long-term chiropractic care have higher levels of the blood chemicals associated with effective DNA repair and overall wellness. The test was a retrospective analysis of 46 patients, all over the age of 40 who had been under short- term chiropractic care for 8-52 weeks or long term wellness care for 52-312 weeks. Researchers assessed the levels of serum thiols, blood factors that have been found to help the body repair the damaging effects stress has on the structure of DNA. Serum thiols are measured in terms of nM cysteine. The authors found that non-chiropractic treated patients in the control group had serum thiol levels of 124 nM cysteine. Patients with active disease processes going on generally had levels below 90 compared to patients under long-term chiropractic care who had values of 146. In their conclusion, the authors say, "some final observations should be noted. The results clearly support the recommendations being made for wellness care by chiropractors. In addition, it should be stated that these results occurred under normal practice conditions and indicate what most chiropractors are likely achieving when performing long-term care. Also, it refutes earlier that five to seven years of care was necessary to optimize human health status, as indicated by serum thiol levels. Our sampling indicates that this can occur in a time frame approximately half that period. Finally, there is no doubt that chiropractic care was the dominant factor in being able to realize thiol values that in some cases have not been seen in nutriceutical testing, the only other intervention shown to improve thiol values." Long term chiropractic patients have higher blood levels of DNA repair chemicals. (2005). In Touch, 9,1. ![]() How To Pick Running Shoes Running is wonderful cardiovascular exercise and a popular workout choice for men and women. Just as a carpenter requires the right tools for his trade, the right pair of running shoes is essential for both the casual and the serious runner. There are some things to consider when purchasing a running shoe. How far and often will you be running? If you are a casual runner (less than ten miles per week), then a basic running shoe will be fine. If you are training for a marathon, consider making a true investment in your running shoes for optimal performance. Surgery or Chiropractic for Chronic Sciatica Pain - Addison Functional Health & Chiropractic Care3/9/2017
![]() Surgery or Chiropractic for Chronic Sciatica Sufferers? Pain coming from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica. Sciatica – which can include pain, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness – is really a symptom indicating an underlying problem, not a diagnosis in and of itself. This article will explore in detail the findings of a recent controlled study comparing spinal manipulation (chiropractic) and surgery for people whose sciatica did not respond to traditional medical treatment approaches. ![]() The Role of Antioxidants in Good Health Everyone has heard about the importance of a balanced diet for maintaining good health. Similarly, everyone knows that they should be getting exercise - or at the very least adding more activity into their days. Getting a good night's sleep is essential - without it, you'll find that your immune system starts to slack off a bit and you put yourself at a greater risk for catching a cold or coming down with the flu. ![]()
Press Release – Female Athlete Triad: Double Check the Score
By Dr. Elizabeth Pilicy Girls who play soccer, or participate in any endurance sport, may be at risk to develop a combination of three disorders now commonly referred to as the "Female Athlete Triad." The female athlete triad is composed of the connected pattern of disordered eating, exercise-associated loss of normal cyclic menstrual periods (amenorrhea), and loss of bone mineral density or frank osteoporosis. This disorder is increasingly occurring in athletic women, particularly as more and more girls are participating in high level sports and are starting at increasingly younger ages. The inadequate nutrient supply to the body associated with disordered eating patterns is at the heart of this serious disorder. This triad as a whole often goes unrecognized. The consequences of lost bone mineral density can be devastating for the female athlete. Stress fractures or premature osteoporotic fractures can occur, and lost bone mineral density may never be regained.
Our Functional Health and Chiropractic Care is just the thing to keep you and your family healthy... as natural as the sun & air, the functions of your body are improved with chiropractic care.
We address the cause of your health condition (whether it's back pain or another 'pain in the neck') not just the symptom. We believe that education is a big part of our patients success. Our chiropractic approach is especially designed for health-conscious people like you. We look forward to seeing you soon.
AuthorDr. Lizie Pilicy, Chiropractor and Nutritional Specialist, uses innovative holistic approaches to wellness incorporating mind, body, and spirit disciplines to assist with whole-being wellness. Categories
January 2025