CHIROPRACTIC Turn on your inner power and your nervous system functioning optimally.
CHROMOTHERAPYDid you know that colors have an intense impact on how we think and feel?
Schedule a ConsultHave a health concern or goal that you 'd like support with? Schedule a free consultation to see how we can help.
Auto Accidents 6 Steps to Wellness Cleanse & Detox Programs Emotional Balancing EB PRO Footbath KinesioTaping Low Level Laser Therapy Microcurrent Stimulator Myofacial Muscle Therapy Nutritional Counseling Pediatric Care for Kids! Pre-Natal Care Rehabilitation Sports Injury Supplements Techniques Weight Loss Programs Employee Wellness |
What is Chiropractic?Chiropractic is the hands-on system of healthcare promoting optimal whole-being wellness, spinal health, and physical fitness. Chiropractic is the art and science of aligning the body for optimal neurological, bio-mechanical, and physiological function.
Chiropractic locates, analyzes and removes interference in your nervous system. Interferences, known as subluxations, are caused by physical, chemical, and mental/emotional stress. The adjustment removes them to enable the body to express its in-born intelligence. As a result, this enhances the body's resistance to stress, and its overall healthy function. |
Thermography AnalysisFrom assessment to recommendations, we'll help you set the stage for optimal health & guide you towards achieving your health goals and living with full vitality.
Detox Foot BathThe EB Pro supports your body’s natural detoxifying process and draws-out toxins from your body. Increase your body's Life-Force!
Vibration PlatformWhole body vibration burns calories, increases muscle strength & bone density, increases lymphatic drainage & circulation, and strengthens nerve communication.
All information on our site is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between Dr. Lizie Pilicy and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, information is subject to change without prior notice. If you want to read through a bunch of legal jargon, here's our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
14330 Midway Road, Ste. 119
Farmers Branch, TX 75244 |