CHIROPRACTIC - The Goal of the Adjustment
Chiropractic is the hands-on system of healthcare promoting optimal whole-being wellness, spinal health, and physical fitness. Chiropractic is the art and science of aligning the body for optimal neurological, bio-mechanical, and physiological function. Chiropractic locates, analyzes and removes interference in your nervous system. Interferences, known as subluxations, are caused by physical, chemical, and mental/emotional stress. The adjustment removes them to enable the body to express its in-born intelligence. As a result, this enhances the body's resistance to stress, and its overall healthy function. The ultimate goal of the chiropractic adjustment is to remove interferences in the body and correct joint misalignments to enhance the function of your nervous system - the master control system of the body. To do that, Dr. Lizie applies a gentle pressure to the bone and 'unlocks' it from its improper position. The introduction of this 'light force' adjustment allows your bones to be free to align themselves correctly. |
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Many people think an adjustment forces a bone back into its "proper" place. But only the individual's own Innate Intelligence knows for sure the proper place for each bone. The role of the chiropractor is to act like a mechanic to your body. Then, the body does the healing to restore the proper placement of its structures as well as the body's proper function.
Unfortunately, when a bone is out of alignment for a long period of time, the muscles connected to it become used to their mal-positioning and have a tendency to pull the bone back out of place. It may take several adjustments before your adjustments "hold," and the bones settle into their proper alignment. With the adjustment, the nerves providing the power for a muscle are activated, and this assists with training the muscle to function properly.
Will it hurt?
Because most of Dr. Lizie’s adjusting techniques emphasize using minimal force and gentle pressure, it is very unlikely you will feel any discomfort during the adjustment. During the adjustment you may hear popping sounds. Not to be concerned, this is not cracking or breaking bones, but rather the noises you may hear are just tiny pockets of gas releasing from the space within the joints, which is completely normal.
With or without noises, your adjustment is most likely to be completely pain free. In most cases, you will feel a sense of ease with the adjustment, as it is restoring the body to its proper alignment.
Unfortunately, when a bone is out of alignment for a long period of time, the muscles connected to it become used to their mal-positioning and have a tendency to pull the bone back out of place. It may take several adjustments before your adjustments "hold," and the bones settle into their proper alignment. With the adjustment, the nerves providing the power for a muscle are activated, and this assists with training the muscle to function properly.
Will it hurt?
Because most of Dr. Lizie’s adjusting techniques emphasize using minimal force and gentle pressure, it is very unlikely you will feel any discomfort during the adjustment. During the adjustment you may hear popping sounds. Not to be concerned, this is not cracking or breaking bones, but rather the noises you may hear are just tiny pockets of gas releasing from the space within the joints, which is completely normal.
With or without noises, your adjustment is most likely to be completely pain free. In most cases, you will feel a sense of ease with the adjustment, as it is restoring the body to its proper alignment.
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