Benefits of the Vibration PlatformWEIGHT LOSS Physical activity is the key to weight loss and maintaining a healthy body. Unfortunately, in today's society, not everybody has the time required to visit the gym or take part in sports activities. Using the Vibration Platform once or twice a day for between 10 and 15 minutes is the equivalent to one hour in the gym and can burn between 400-900 calories (depending on routine). WELLNESS The Vibration Platform enables athletes and those in need of physical therapy to enjoy the benefits of using vibration exercise to get ahead in the game. The wellness benefits for everyone enhance metabolism, reduce the stress hormone Cortisol, improve blood circulation and lymphatic flow, increase bone mineral density, and elevate the human growth hormone. Vibration Platform can help your body improve wellness with little impact on joints and ligaments, helping even individuals with physical limitations. 1. Tightening and toning (slimming and thinning). 2. Reduction of Cellulite. 3. Increases Bone Mineral Mass and Bone Density. 4. Reduction of training time 5. Requires very little effort. 6. Improves metabolism. 7. Increased muscle strength 8. Lowers some stress hormones 9. Improves circulation 10. Fewer varicose veins 11. Increased sense of balance. 1. Tightening and toning (slimming and thinning).
2. Reduction of Cellulite.
3. Increases Bone Mineral Mass and Bone Density.
4. Reduction of training time.
5. Requires very little effort.
6. Improves metabolism.
7. Increased muscle strength.
8. Lowers some stress hormones (including coritsol) while also increasing your seratonin output.
9. Improves circulation.
10. Fewer varicose veins.
11. Increased sense of balance.
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AuthorDr. Lizie Pilicy, Chiropractor and Nutritional Specialist, uses innovative holistic approaches to wellness incorporating mind, body, and spirit disciplines to assist with whole-being wellness. Categories
December 2024