NutritionNutrition is so important to health!
Health is a continuum. At one end is peak energy and vitality; at the other is dys-function, dys-ease, and even death. Many people live most of thier lives somewhere between the two extremes: not quite ill, but not truly healthy either. Optimal nutrition can help us move positively toward peak performance, with fewer illnesses, more resilience, and more vitality. Why should I examine my biochemical activities? Nutritional testing is a snap shot in time, revealing your body’s unique needs by combining information about digestion, vitamin and mineral deficiency, as well as cell and organ dysfunction. Clinical Nutrition – The Basics The foods you eat provide fuel for your body. The nutrients you consume each day are your body’s source of raw materials. A shortage of any nutrient can shut down the “assembly lines” that are your body’s biochemical pathways. Each person’s body has unique needs called bio-individuality. We customize diet, vitamins, minerals and amino acids to fit your body’s unique metabolic needs. We optimize wellness and helps prevent disease states from occurring and may reverse the cellular and metabolic aging process. A Nutritional Consultation can set you on a path towards optimal health! Proper nutrition assists with preventing disease, increasing the rate of healing, and provide our bodies with the proper nutrients need to survive and live well. Nutritional recommendations are tailored to an individuals needs. To learn more about your Nutritional Consultation with Dr. Lizie, click here. Supplements |
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